
Healthy, Happy Me
Looking at all aspects of life that cause us stress and identify areas that could be improved for more balance .
Learn how the impact of balancing 8 Areas of life can improve Happiness.
Evaluate your life and take actin to reduce stress and increase Health.
Choose how you want your life to be.


Understanding how my body works
So I can make better choices and understand what I need to do to keep my body working efficiently.
Go back to basics to understand what your body needs in order to function optimally.
Remind yourself of the importance of eating well and maintaining your body.
Take back control of your health by making better choices.


Stress Management
Learn how the body responds to stress and the internal effects. We will equip you with stress hacks to reduce the impact of stress on your body.
Understand how stress effects the mechanics of the body.
Learn the triggers for experiencing symptoms caused by stress.
Manage your reactions to stressful situations with known stress hacks.


Cooking Demo
quick, easy, tasty & healthy meals/snacks to get your 5 a day.
(Choice of recipes) wraps/pizza, omelette, energy balls,
Develop skills of basic cooking to create many meal options.
Learn healthy swaps for favourite unhealthy treats.
Watch quick, fun, tasty, nutritious cooking that fuels your body,
that you can share with your loved ones.
Conscious Eating for conscious Wellbeing!


Eat for Energy

Understand how food releases energy into the body.
Learn which foods fuel the body and which foods don't.
Acknowledge that eating well involves planning and preparation.