How I deliver medically approved drug free pain relief

The Science Behind my Devices

Treatment Packages
Package 1
Initial Cost: £180
£60 session (up to 1 hour) thereafter.
£45 session (up to an hour) thereafter for SCENAR only.
It is necessary in order for the treatment to be effective, to have 3
treatments with a fortnight.
The treatment plan includes both SCENAR & Cycliodal Massage.

SCENAR Explained

Retrain the body to heal itself

SCENAR Therapy is a highly effective and lasting form of natural pain relief.  Originally developed by scientists and doctors for the Russian space programme (to overcome the unique problems of space travel where medication couldn’t be used), the SCENAR Pro is now being used routinely in hospitals by medical professionals and top athletes.

SCENAR is gentle and soothing, practical and cost-effective. It has no negative side effects and simply mobilises the body’s own natural resources, often helping conditions that resist other therapies.  As well as removing pain, SCENAR helps with sleep, stress, increased mobility and enables fast returns to work. It can be used alongside mainstream medicine and tests conducted in Russia have shown that SCENAR proves to be effective in 80% of cases treated.

The S.C.E.N.A.R; Self-Controlled Energy Neural Adaptive Regulation

The aim of a SCENAR treatment is to stimulate the body’s own healing powers by emitting an electromagnetic signal which is almost identical to the human nerve signal. This signal travels along special types of nerve fibres (C fibres) to the brain, which results in the production of neuropeptides which rapidly advance healing. In order to create a continuous flow of circulating regulative peptides, SCENAR action must be given quite often.  A course of treatments will vary from individual to individual, and takes into account such factors as the stage of the pathological process, the person’s age, state of health, and so on.

When SCENAR is applied to the point of pain, the brain also releases endorphins, the body’s own powerful pain relieving substances.  The technology has been proven highly effective in relieving any pain, including neck and back pain, whiplash, aching joints, sports injuries, fractures, arthritis, RSI, headaches, IBS and sciatica; as well as for lesions and cosmetic treatments. It has also been reported to increase energy, aid sleep, improve the sense of well-being and support immune function.


Device: Cycloidal Vibration Technology
The Science Behind the Device

Cycloidal Massage

Treatment Packages
Package 2
Initial Cost: £180
£60 session (up to 1 hour) thereafter.
£35 session (up to an hour) thereafter for Cycliodal Massage only.
It is necessary in order for the treatment to be effective, to have 3
treatments with a fortnight.
The treatment plan includes both SCENAR & Cycliodal Massage.

The Full-body wellbeing system

Cycloidal Vibration Technology (CVT) was serendipitously discovered in a Canadian coal mine in the 1930’s. Curiously the workers using Wettlaufer’s coal-sorting machine were reporting therapeutic side effects from leaning up against the machine during their breaks. Inspired by the claims of muscular and joint pain relief, the positive effects on the body were researched and the Cyclo-Ssage Massage Therapy System was developed.

Cycloidal Vibration relaxes muscles and is able to penetrate deep tissues and act on muscles that are normally hard to access by conventional forms of massage.  Research into the effects of Cycloidal Vibration Technology have shown the therapy to release tension in striated muscle and maintain relaxation in the associated spasms for several hours after treatment, providing therapeutic relief and an improved quality of life.
