How I deliver medically approved drug free pain relief
The Science Behind my Devices
Treatment Packages
Package 1
Initial Cost: £180
£60 session (up to 1 hour) thereafter.
£45 session (up to an hour) thereafter for SCENAR only.
It is necessary in order for the treatment to be effective, to have 3
treatments with a fortnight.
The treatment plan includes both SCENAR & Cycliodal Massage.
SCENAR Explained
Retrain the body to heal itself
SCENAR Therapy is a highly effective and lasting form of natural pain relief. Originally developed by scientists and doctors for the Russian space programme (to overcome the unique problems of space travel where medication couldn’t be used), the SCENAR Pro is now being used routinely in hospitals by medical professionals and top athletes.
SCENAR is gentle and soothing, practical and cost-effective. It has no negative side effects and simply mobilises the body’s own natural resources, often helping conditions that resist other therapies. As well as removing pain, SCENAR helps with sleep, stress, increased mobility and enables fast returns to work. It can be used alongside mainstream medicine and tests conducted in Russia have shown that SCENAR proves to be effective in 80% of cases treated.